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10 March 2009

SAW - The Ride on BBC News

Today I switched on the TV just in time to see SAW - The Ride on the 6 o'clock BBC News. Lucky managed to capture it all on my camera for the people who missed it or for those who wanted to see it again and again. The video shows riders having fun as well as the news reporter (some facts she said ain’t true).
Here’s the video from BBC breakfast news (videoed by Calum a You Tuber)
and Here’s the video I took from the evening news.
Also in the first video you can see a new poster saying “on Ride DVD for only £12”. When I get mine I'll post it on YouTube.
Edit: Extreme Spoiler! "Shy news" POV video and lots more.
""Another article with a few more spoilers of whats inside Click here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good post.I really enjoy to visit your post.Thank you for your nice post.

United Kingdom

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