SAW: The Ride - BLOG

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26 December 2008

Visit, NOW!!!!!

Hello! Sorry this has nothing to do with Saw: the ride, but for any water rocket enthusiasts please
visit TDF Water Rockets, TDF stands for: Tom, Daniel, Freddy, We are part of TDF water rockets team. It's a Blog that shows our progress on our new rocketing ideas, to learn more about our Water rockets or to see our updates, then please visit:

23 December 2008

Small construction update

Tuesday, 23rd December 2008 - Thorpe park mania are pleased to bring an early Christmas present for Thorpe Park fans, TPM latest update shows more of Saw's theming, part of the outside queue-line and how CCR re-construction has gone. Enjoy!
Click Here For The Link. (Please note text and pictures are from Thorpe Park Mania website)

12 December 2008

Construction update

Friday, 12th December 2008 - For the first time, Today THORPE PARK have shown us just a glimpse of just what we can expect from Saw - The Rides theming. The "Head Chopper" element which has recently been installed on the ride, which relates to the concept art released previously.

(Please note text is from Thorpe Park Mania website)

Got an update? Get in touch!

Remember if you Got an update, you can Get in touch!
If you've recently visited Thorpe Park and have some great construction photos of “SAW The Ride” I'd love to use them, so everyone else can see a bit of the action. Let me know by emailing me at